
Showing posts from 2020

What is Tarot Card and How does Tarot Card Work?

Hi beautiful soul,  Do you know what is Tarot Card Reading? I remembered the time when my grandmother used to tell us in her fairy tale that God has sent us on this beautiful planet with the mission of our life but here in our day to day routine, we just rove in this external world consequently start ignoring our soul's voice which always tries to bring us back to accomplish the mission on which God had sent us moreover so many times we ignored our soul voice, again and again, very soon we get the result of this ignorance when we stuck in our life situations for a long time. At that time we felt there should be someone who can guide us in this situation as Lord Krishna had guided Arjuna in Mahabharata. You know when we get guidance from divine, nobody can hold us back to achieve success in all aspect of our life. Do you know that Our Inner self is the best person to guide at every tw ist of our life but you would be thin king, How you can connect with your Inner Self easily and see