What is Tarot Card and How does Tarot Card Work?

Hi beautiful soul, 

Do you know what is Tarot Card Reading?

I remembered the time when my grandmother used to tell us in her fairy tale that God has sent us on this beautiful planet with the mission of our life but here in our day to day routine, we just rove in this external world consequently start ignoring our soul's voice which always tries to bring us back to accomplish the mission on which God had sent us moreover so many times we ignored our soul voice, again and again, very soon we get the result of this ignorance when we stuck in our life situations for a long time. At that time we felt there should be someone who can guide us in this situation as Lord Krishna had guided Arjuna in Mahabharata. You know when we get guidance from divine, nobody can hold us back to achieve success in all aspect of our life.

Do you know that Our Inner self is the best person to guide at every twist of our life but you would be thinking, How you can connect with your Inner Self easily and seek its guidance in every aspect of life? 

You know the best way to connect with our Inner Self is a Tarot Card. The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards and Osho Zen Tarot Card is a deck of 79 cards, each card has an image on it, symbol and story. All cards have a secret message on it which helps us to guide from our birth to death journey. 

Some people may say that Tarot cards are simply inked on paper. However, what we have discovered from reading the Tarot cards daily for over six years is this:

The Tarot card messages are the storybook of our life, reflection to our soul's voice, and connection with our higher-self. 

Each problem that occurs during our life journey, have a solution in seventy-nine cards. Accordingly, when we consult the Tarot, we will get the exact divine guidance that needs to learn and master to live an inspired life. Tarot, it's like seeing the reflection of your soul in the mirror which you are holding in your hand and at the same time, you get to connect your subconscious mind to tap into the wisdom (and answers) those lives in us. 

Tarot is a perfect tool to guide us for self-development, bringing harmony in relationships, making choices, manifesting goals, coaching others, planning a business, getting rids on a life problem, finding the root cause of our life issues, pain and meditating, etc whatever guidance you are looking for. Simply spread the cards, ask a question, get connected with your inner power, pick a card, and dive into the imagery at the card to give you instant access to your soul's voice and get the guidance. 

How Does Tarot Work?

So many people have a belief that Tarot will tell you the future but making predictions are not really what Tarot cards all about. 

According to all experience with my clients about Tarot Reading, When it comes to Tarot, fortune-telling is out, and intuition is in. Especially if you want to create your ideal future and manifest your goals, we need to focus on our present. As so many times in our life, we stuck in our present moment, just always remember, your future depends on the actions which you perform in the present.

The most powerful way to read the Tarot is to connect your intuition with universal energy and assess your inner wisdom. The images and the word on the cards give you instant access to your subconscious mind and your sixth sense under the guidance of divine power and your soul's voice, which help you to discover how to make positive changes in your present actions so that you can manifest abundance in your life and live the life in exact way which you dreamed.


  1. Thank a lot sir. It was really a wonderfull knowledge abt tarot. It was my dream to know abt tarot with pure charity which i got during your classes..❤❤


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