5 Most Common Mistakes In Seven Chakra Balancing and How to avoid them.

5 Most Common Mistakes In Seven Chakra Balancing and How to avoid them.

Many people are interested in the spiritual and holistic practice of chakra balancing. Chakra is an ancient word that means “wheel” or “circle,” representing the energy centers in our bodies. Chakras are considered the science of the inner body. 
 The seven major chakras represent different aspects of life including love, creativity, intuition, willpower, and more. When your chakras are balanced you can live a happier life with less stress and better health. However, there is also a lot to learn about these powerful organs which is why I am here to share ten common mistakes made when practicing this art form so you can avoid them!

What happens when a chakra gets blocked 

A chakra is a spinning wheel of light that transmits cosmic energy to other parts of the body. If there are blocks or restrictions, it can affect your health and wellbeing in many ways - you may feel ill with discomfort, have no energy, be fearful when encountering new situations because you're not sure how they'll turn out. Learning about this system will help show where these blockages are so we know what needs work as well as give us guidelines for relieving some entanglements on our own!

Chakras spin like wheels filled with gold-colored light which transfer universal life force from all around into different areas inside ourselves known as "energy centers". It's important to note any blocks or obstructions since if left unresolved they can turn into dangerous diseases and it will be difficult to overcome those easily. 

Here, I'll go through five frequent mistakes people do in their daily lives that block their chakras.

1. Your eating habits are also responsible for chakra blockage.

Food is one of the most powerful healers and preventatives of illness, yet it is frequently overlooked.

What you put into your body can have a significant impact on what is flowing through and maintaining the balance of each chakra. For example, if someone eats lots of red meat then they are blocking their root chakra which means there's an imbalance in energy flow for that person because it needs more vegetables to keep things balanced. By changing up some eating habits we could all feel better both mentally and physically by creating harmony within ourselves.

2. If you are not exercising regularly, you are blocking your chakras.

You might have noticed that when you exercise, your energy levels are higher and you feel more connected to the world around you. This is because exercising releases endorphins which make us happy! But if we're not doing regular workouts this can create a blockage in one of our chakras - I guess it's time for me to head back into my yoga class again!!

When people work out they release endorphins resulting in an increased sense of well-being and happiness; however, if someone does not regularly workout then there could be a buildup on their chakra causing them unhappiness.

3. If you are not breathing properly, you are creating a blockage in your chakras. 

Most of us breathe inefficiently. Our breathing can affect our chakra, which is the center of all consciousness. Start by feeling relaxed and contented with your life while you inhale deeply from deep in the depths of your lungs then exhaling slowly to maximize oxygen intake as you breathe out through pursed lips for a long time before taking another breath.

Breathing has power over so much more than just how we feel physically - it directly affects moods, feelings about ourselves and others around us; it also cures blockages that may be occurring on whatever level they're happening on! So try this technique today: close your eyes or take some slow breaths first if needed until you feel blissful again because there's nothing like knowing that what happens next is up to YOU
4. People are not feeling gratitude for what they have in their life and it causes blockage in their chakras.
Practicing gratitude can instantly raise your vibration and open up chakras as a result. A life of thankfulness will bring more abundance, happiness, health, peace, love relationships with meaningful people into our lives. Upon waking in the morning do some visualization practice that brings to mind all things we are grateful for right now in this present moment like new friendships or special moments shared with family members--whatever feels good at the time is perfect! Have an accountability buddy who shares their daily feelings about how they cultivated positive thoughts throughout their day so you can be inspired by one another's journeys on getting closer to inner peace every single day. Try taking a few minutes during each workday (or whenever possible) just being thankful for what makes us happy. 

5. If you are not forgiving to those who had hurt you in the past, you are blocking your chakras every day.

If you want to feel fulfilled and at peace, it's important that you learn how to let go of negativity. This includes things like grudges, anger, regret, and grief from past hurts. Forgiveness is the best way for your heart chakra-one of 7 major energy centers in our body-to flow freely with positivity instead. You can journal about what happened so you don't have those feelings bottled up; do a ritual or ceremony where you forgive yourself as well as them; take some time during nature walks or meditations every day if possible too! Do whatever works best for YOU because no one else knows this journey better than us all on their own end here - although seeking professional help may also be beneficial when needed :)

If you are feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or unhappy in your life, it might be time to look at how well balanced your chakras are. The many benefits of a healthy and balanced body include increased energy levels, improved emotional health, and mental clarity as well as more happiness. To keep your chakra system functioning optimally for the long term, try these five tips that can help you stay on track with balancing them while avoiding common mistakes people make when trying to do so.  Try out one new tip each week until they become second nature! You will soon find yourself living a healthier and happier life-chakra by chakra.

Thanks & Regards 
Anurodh Chauhaan & Dr Yogini Sai


  1. Thanks 🙏 for sharing and spreading knowledge n taking people s lives to spiritual path.

  2. Thanks for such valuable information 👍

  3. Thanks for sharing such valuable information 👍

  4. Thank u for sharing such knowledgeable information ....doing little changes in our life style, we can make our life more beautiful 😍👍

  5. Beautiful thnx a lot for sharing this

  6. Thanks for very informative sharing

  7. Todays lecture was wonderful on aura,chakra and peto treatment.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this information which is useful and easy to understand

  9. Thanks for sharing knowledge healthy live style and chakra knowledge

  10. Thanks mam for sharing chakra knowledge it's very useful remove blockage

  11. Thank you so much mam or sir for great knowledge

  12. Thank you very much for clearing everyone doubts with simple yet very informative knowledge about chakras balancing

  13. Thanku so much for wonderful sharing as it is the need of hour.

  14. Yeah it was a valuable information and the fact of life u shared.Yes, Food,exercise, Having the feeling of gratitude, Forgiveness are the factors that are really necessary to practice everyday to maintain healthy body in healthy mind and ultimately healthy soul.
    Thankyou Mam and Sir for sharing 🙏😊

  15. It feels like yr hm ye choti choti cije forgranted lelete hai but how important they are. Or kabhi kabhi aise hota hai ki pata hota hai importance fir bhi nhi kar paate .... Soo yes mam u r there to make it happen n keep it with us for life time ..

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information we will focus on it if any problem comes... love you ma'am n sir for guiding us for our betterment n growth..

  17. Amazing, thank you for sharing, grateful ..Narendra Rathod

  18. Superb guidance given. Valuable insights and knowledge provided. Thank you for this blog Anurodh sir and Yogini mam !!


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